


What is the Ideal Practice Schedule for a Figure Skater in Training?

By Jo Ann Schneider Farris, Guide

Question: What is the Ideal Practice Schedule for a Figure Skater in Training?

New young ice skaters do not know how often an ice skater needs to practice to improve and advance at figure skating. This short article will help answer that concern.


Practice Every Day:

Ice skating is a skill that involves much practice. Figure skaters really do need to practice every day. Also, one on-ice practice session is not enough; serious skaters need to be on the ice for at least two or three practice sessions per day.

Some serious skaters skate six days a week, but many ice skaters practice four or five days a week.

Off-Ice Training:

It is best to supplement on-ice sessions with off-ice training in ballet, dance, and conditioning. Also, every figure skater should spend some time practicing figure skating jumps off the ice.

Private Lessons:

At least one to two private lessons a week is necessary. One private lesson per day is really the ideal option; however, private ice skating instruction is quite expensive, so that ideal may not be possible for many skaters.

Don't Skip Practice Sessions or Lessons:

Very little progress will occur if a skater skips practices and lessons. Commit to a skating schedule and stick to it.

Sample Figure Skating Training Schedule:

A sample Monday through Friday schedule for a young skater could be as follows:

  • One forty-five minute freestyle practice session before school
  • One forty-five minute freestyle practice session after school
  • Two freestyle practice sessions after school or one two-hour public session after school
  • Off-ice ballet class on Saturday
  • Two to three twenty minute private ice skating lessons per week











跟這位Adult Skater一樣,UCLA的教授,快五十才學滑冰喔



Mark Cohen

Mark Cohen - Adult Figure Skater:

Mark Cohen is an adult figure skater who began skating in his late forties. He works hard at his skating and competes in adult figure skating competitions.

University Professor:

Mark Cohen is a professor at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). His department is Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences







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